Friday, February 11, 2011

When was the last time you read the Mercury News, Sir?

I received like 5 phone calls with this question in the last 2 days. The reason? My subscription ended. Why did I have a subscription? Because the night of thanksgiving a black foster kid was knocking on our door selling subscriptions and he received college credits for each subscription he sold. So I got one, it was only $20 and I could also help him. The receipt from the subscription was my proof for living in the address what I told when I bought the car. So it was useful by the time. How much paper we read? Maybe 10% of all what we received. Who has time to read newspapers in the morning any more? And why would you read it in the evening when you already read everything online during the day? And yes there's the online access, but why should I pay for news when I can get it for free on other internet sites or by watching the news on TV? Oh, I'd still get the Sunday edition with lots of coupons? Well we used about 5 coupons during the 2 months we received the paper, and we did save $5 using them. But still to me it doesn't sound like the deal of the century.

- Could you please remove my phone number from the list you guys are using?
- Certainly, sir!

I hope they really did.

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