Sunday, October 10, 2010

I walk too loud

Sunday afternoon - noon. I was watching TV after lunch. A property manager came, telling me my downstairs neighbour complains that I walk too loud. Well I'm a big guy (210 lbs) and I'm aware of that but I never jump or something in the flat (means apartment ;)). So I felt kinda surprised.

Anyways, she stayed in my apartment and asked me that I go down to check out how it sounds until she jumps upstairs. So yeah, ceiling creeks and you can hear someone jumping. I met my downstairs neighbour as well, he told me that my walking (carpet is about 2.5-3 cm thick (meaning a bit more then an inch), dude!) "walked" (waked up by walking in one word ;)) him up yesterday afternoon when he tried to have a nap. So I told the property manager that I did hear her, and then I did my walking and she went down. She told me I'm a nice guy so it is not really a complaint that I'm loud or something. Anyways I'm getting an extra layer of carpet in the living room.

What can I say? This is what you get when the only thing made of concrete in your building is the staircase outside and everything else is made of wood and paper ;) That's why we don't do that in Europe :D


And I did learn something: in case I move out from here, I should always aim for the highest floor available ;)

1 comment:

  1. Building wood houses in a place where earthquakes happen every second day is not something easy to reason about..
