Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 6: Route 66 to Las Vegas

Starting the day was not easy. My friends went out the night before, and they got really wasted so instead of taking off at 9am we could only start our journey around half past 10 in the morning. A quick breakfast and off we go. I was really hoping the contents of my friends stomach will stay there :)
They fell asleep as soon we hit the interstate. I've decided not to go to L.A. but find Rt. 66 in Victorville first. There is a nice little family operated museum on D Street. It was really exciting. The boys started to wake up finally but they still couldn't enjoy the museum too much. After a quick change into shorts (it was really hot. We arrived in the desert!) we continued our journey to Barstow on north on D Street that turned into National Trails Hwy (Rt. 66!). I filled up the tanks and we ate at a nice pizza place, the we turned onto 1st street to visit the museum here at the train station. Unfortunately it closed at 4pm and we arrived around 4:30 :(((
So we sit back in the car and back to Main Street. Which ended up in the entrance of the military base. The officer there told us, that they've built their base onto the road, but i should take the I40 for just one exit and we could continue our jurney.
The road was amazing. Almost no cars, desert view just the straight lanes leading to nowhere. Amazing feeling! There are no road signs. I wanted to steal one for myself. I think I'm not the only one, so they decided to paint Rt. 66 onto the road's surface instead. At the halfway to Amboy there was a rest station with abandoned buildings. We stopped to take tons of pictures :) after that we left another abandoned roadside cafe called Bagdad. It really seemed like the one from the movie Bagdad Cafe.
These middle of nowhere towns are really interesting. You need to drive for an hour to meet someone, people living here are really isolated. It is very much like in the movies.
After Amboy we left Rt. 66 and travelled through the Mojave National Preserve to reach I15 and Las Vegas.
When we arrived to Vegas we drove by the famous Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas sign, through the Strip and arrived at Stratosphere, our hotel. We had a nice burger dinner at Roxy's and headed to the slot machines. I lost $20, but Zsolti made $150 from 15 cents, Maxx also won four times of his bet and made $20.
We went to bed around 1:30am and fallen asleep immediately.
They always tell bad things about american cars, but after driving like 400 miles none of my limps, back, butt, neck hurts... Symptoms I got from 1 hour driving our Citroën... So it seems american cars were made for the american road and vice versa. I don't even want to imagine what'd it feel like to take the same journey with the Corolla we were renting ;)
The lucky bastard. Put in $20 and won almost $160. First game ever in Vegas. Beginner's luck I'd say

Nice painting on the walls of the pizza place we stopped by to eat lunch

And the table. *Sigh* This is how life looked like 50-60 years ago here

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