Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 5: Sea World & La Jolla

This morning we went to Pacific Beach to have breakfast. According to our plan me and my wife would go to Sea World, Maxx and Zsolt, our guests would have spent the day surfing in the Pacific Ocean. The weather was not really promising so they decided to rather join us. My AAA membership paid off. Sea World had a promotion $20 off from the admission fee for AAA members. That's $80 savings! :D
As we entered the sun started to shine so we could use our SPF100 sunscreen we got the other day. First we saw the dolphin show. I cannot really tell how amazing it was, but it was spectacular. Right after that the show with Shamu, the killer whale started. Both shows were something I could only see from TV. Really American :)
The park is full with rides, some of them required an hour to wait in line, but American parents would do anything to give some excitement to their hyperactive kids on sugary soda ;) The salt and sweet water aquariums were not really enjoyable, but the sea lion show was amazing. It was made for smaller kids. The story was great and the animals were really sweet.
The arctic experience with penguins, walruses, belugas, ice bears was super great. Ice was on the walls of the hallways and even the visitors are was chilly so you could really feel like being on the north pole. Well it was not -40°C but comming from +30°C outside inside was significantly colder.
Sharks were cool, too. In the end we walked through their aquarium in a glass tube.
I've made like 400 pictures, and will upload the best of them sooner or later, so stay tuned ;)
After the park we went to La Jolla. This area has the highest property rates in the US. Well, for a reason ;) We had a juicy burger at the beach, saw the Church of Jesus Christ (You'll see pictures later :) It is monumental and bright white. Amazing!), and sunset over the Pacific Ocean.
Tomorrow after breakfast we continue with our trip to Las Vegas! Can't wait!!!!
BTW, I could really live in San Diego. Did I say that already?! It is the 8th largest city in the US and the 2nd largest one in California, but still you don't feel the distance, no rush hour, people are extremely nice and everything is super clean and tidy.
Sunset at the Pacific Ocean

Shamu, or one of his reincarnations/alter-egos :)

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