Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 1: SF Bay to L.A.

I should write a lot... Well, I won't. The day was awsome. We started with Santa Cruz, then on Hw1 to L.A. That was the plan. Unfortunately after Monterey the road was closed. No detour. It is only closed between 8am and 8pm. So we had to turn back to 101. But at least we saw a couple of nice little bays, rocks, shore. Pictures will come later...

After a while from 101 we took 41 to go back to the ocean, but agan Hw1 just turned to inland from that junction. :( Driving the car was great. I don't feel like crap after riding 450 miles today. It was really comfy. And it ate less as usual. 411 miles with a full tank and it is still not completely empty.

So after 7pm we arrived in L.A. Zsolt's booking was messed up, but in the end everything was fine. We had dinner at the burger place across the street, and walked to the end of the pier in the dark. Tomorrow downtown, Hollywood Sign, Venice Beachwalk is the plan.

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