Thursday, April 14, 2011

Officially off-line state due in 22hrs

The first vacation in let's say almost 2 years. Having a little break for getting married and packing my stuff to move from Europe to the US doesn't really count as vacation, now does it? :)

I could - Gott sei Dank! - finish all my last minute updates to my current duties, so what's left is a lovely early morning confcall about the data model tomorrow, and to get my mind together and think through what are the things I should auf keinem Fall forget at home. Like hotel reservations, ID papers, camera, charger etc. I need to figure out how to set the mail client on my Droid to download messages mark as important only. The coupons can wait (

Somehow I also need to figure out how to export the route from gMaps to our Garmin Nüvi. (Bin ein Geek, weisste?!) Check the tire pressure on the car, fluid levels. Ah, man! But it these are much better things to worry about than anything work related.

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