Tuesday, December 20, 2011

H as in Harlem

H as in Hungary. Telling everyone on the road where I'm from.
None of them has a clue, I'm sure!
Black guy at the gas station, on the other side of the pump:

- Hey man, sorry, does it stand for Harlem? - see picture above ;-)
- No, Hungary.
- Damn!

The other funny black guy was waiting for me when I was getting out of my car at my driveway. He was selling some super cleaning products. I told him I'm not interested, then he asked:

- Who are you playing for?
- How do you mean? - thinking that it might be some kind of slang in the colored community.
- You look like one of them football player, man!
- Sorry, I'm a software engineer.
- Damn!

Yeah, damn. I'd be earning much more, dude! :-)

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