Tuesday, May 15, 2012

You live in the USA for too long...

... if you
  • Prefer soda over water
  • Have ice in the freezer
  • Regularly make or buy ice
  • Drink most of your drinks with ice
  • Take your car for distances you rather walked before
  • Spend extra 5 minutes to find a parking spot that's closer to the mall entrance, even though walking the extra distance wouldn't take more then 1 minute
  • Use voicemail
  • Cut coupons out from the Sunday paper
  • Start to believe conspiracy theories
  • Walk into non automatic doors (ouch, happened once to me...)
  • Think it's rude nobody greets you went to walk into a shop
  • Actually want the clerk (sales associate) to help you finding something
  • Greet people with 'How are you doing?'
  • Or 'Sup?
  • Reply with 'Hi, how are you doing?'
  • Or 'Yo yo, 'sup?'
  • Need to snack while watching TV
  • BBQ burgers, and you're proud what delicious burgers you can make even though you bought the patty
  • Consider check a payment method
  • Rather change lanes than switching off cruise control
  • Can pronounce 'water' correctly
  • Say 'I appreciate' a lot
  • Think Budweiser is a beer
  • Drink the light one

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