Sunday, November 13, 2011

Working for a big company...

... is a whole different experience.

Working for a smaller company enables you to change your hats and learn things faster, since you have to, in order to survive. So your knowledge will be more diverse and broader. In return you have to sacrifice more of your personal life in favor for your job and because things around you are not that organized.

Working for a big company changes your whole life. I joined only 2 weeks ago, but I can already see the difference. There's an organization just for me, for the employee, so I can feel better, they take care of things for me, there's infrastructure, procedures. Cons are that you become one cog in the wheel, but that also enables you to deepen your knowledge. So your development is rather vertical than horizontal; you become a specialized professional; and that's also good.

I'm happy with my decision. I haven't done too much yet, because of the training and learning, but I don't have to check my mails on the phone in the evening, I can focus on my tasks and finish my assignments on time, plus I get all the support to learn. And the more I learn the better I can do my job.

To summarize here's what I think:
  • As a freshman it makes sense to join a smaller company. The pay is less, and there're sacrifices, but you will learn super fast and gain experience in many different but alike fields.
  • When you can count yourself as senior it makes sense to join a big company. One of your skill from the broad skill set you gained will be valuable for your corporation and gives you the opportunity to deepen that knowledge, and also give you everything to feel secure and have a balanced life.
  • Later when your children are more independent and you become bored probably makes sense to start your own business or go back to the start-up field as a manager/director and make use of the experience of an organized workplace and help by establishing something similar.

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