Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Things made of paper

In general there's nothing much to complain about here in the US. One thing that's crazy is the credit score system and how you fight to get a decent credit card... But that thing is messed up big time!

But there's one other thing that affects our everyday life much more, and the market is totally neglected by the available brands. And there's a European brand that could make a fortune here and could conquer the country in a week:

Americans can't get right only one thing and those are the hygienic products made of paper. Paper tissues can hardly be used even for once and you need to fold toilet papers at least six times so they don't puncture while you're wiping. There's only one product in each of the two category that is usable.

Paper tissues: Puffs Plus Lotion

But it only comes in a box, so if you caught a cold you need to carry the box with you. All the 10 piece small packages are useless. They get torn with one nose blow. This is the one and only thing that can survive you blowing your nose. And I think that would be the minimum requirement!

Toilet paper: Charmin Ultra Strong

And this thing is the one and only reliable brand available. The others you need to fold 6-8 times and nothing guarantees that your finger will not meet your anus accidentally.

I don't know why manufacturers here don't get this right. It ain't no rocket science!

So Zewa if you ever considered appearing in a new market, I can assure you that you can take the US by storm!

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