Monday, May 9, 2011

The Secret Society of Personal Trainers

There must be one :) Every week there's someone new who comes in the gym, and hires a personal trainer, because he/she wants to get in shape and for that he/she requires professional help. I think personal trainers however don't like working therefore they make everyone new regret to ask for their help and come up with exercises that (well at least inside) makes everyone in the gym laugh, and I don't see how is it more beneficial to the candidate than 'traditional' exercises.

Each thing they come up with is really spectacular and there's no way you can miss the new guy in the gym. It involves funny walks throughout the gym with dumbbells in the hands, or stand on a stability ball, while doing something with weights etc. I think there's a secret journal with all these exercises. And there must be a secret contest as well between personal trainers: who made the biggest fool out of someone this week. Or something similar.

The funniest is when the guys don't hire the personal trainer any more, but still does the same silly looking exercises. Alone.

These exercises are something like you can find in your monthly issue of Men's Health but the craziness factor is multiplied by a number between 10 to 100. Funny. And I feel sorry for those guys. They spend hard earned dollars every time they come and work out with their personal trainer. All they should have done is research on the net and try to achieve their goals themselves.

Just one example: hold a 5lbs dumbbell in each hand. Walk through the gym lifting your legs up to your shoulders by every step, with your upper body turn left and right with your arms parallel to the ground. With each step touch your toe-tips with the opposite hand. E.g. Step with your left leg up in the air and touch your toes with your right hand holding the dumbbell at shoulder level.

Well, this way everyone gets some amusement. And you do feel you get something for your money...

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