Thursday, May 26, 2011

I quit...

... smoking :)

Well I've never been smoking very strong cigarettes. Stronger than 4/0.4 gave me headaches. Living in Germany for almost 2 years alone however increased the amount I smoked a week. From the initial 1 pack/week it climbed up to 2 and then 3 packs/week. That's what living alone getting bored does to you...

So with the constant bugging of my wife 'motivating' myself, I decided to smoke the last cigarette. It happened on Monday evening this week. After that is not too bad at all. Sometimes I do feel irritated, but I have more energy, too. I don't feel irresistible carving to smoke at all! One thing is missing though: leaving my desk every hour for a smoke. But I've found the perfect solution for that:

It was only $21 including shipping, and you can choose cartridges with 0 nicotine content. That's the one I'm after. I watched several online video reviews and all the people said quite good things about it. One also mentioned that you can skip buying cartridges and refill the ones you have with vegetable glycerine fluid. He claimed that this is the solution they use in smoke machines too, and it's just basically a kind of sugar. Saving money über alles! We'll see. I'm excited. Not smoking and being able to leave my computer on the regular basis I'm used would be cool :) I hope I get it next week.

They say that quitting cold turkey way is hard, but I think that is the only one working. And since I never smoked strong ones, I couldn't even choose from the patches or gums since the weakest one would be stronger than my cigarettes :) This is how my dad, mum, and grandparents quit long ago. And they did smoke stronger ones. I saw people using patches and gums, and they gave up quitting after a while. So you just have to make up your mind, and keep doing it. No excuses.

So, let's see how it goes.


  1. "my wife motivating myself" was hilarious! I know how good she is convincing people! :)
    Anyway, if I quit anyone can do it. I would never drink a beer without a cigarette as I saw you doing. They were like twins to me. I am sure you will be successful!
    Good luck, dude!

  2. Yeah she is pretty convincing all right :) So far I'm doing really good! With that fake cigarette I'll feel perfect :)

  3. What's that cartridge shit stuff about? It's still smoking (SMOKE), right?

  4. No, it vaporizes :) I got it yesterday. I know how it makes you quit: it feels like a joke :) But I haven't smoke a single cigarette for a week now, and I'm still feeling good!
