Thursday, October 28, 2010

No tip?! No tip!

Car to the airport was booked to pick us up at 4:30pm. At 4:40 I gave the company a call to ask where the heck my car is.

- It will be there in 2 minutes.

5 minutes later the car showed up. No traffic jam  on the way to the airport (the first time it happened!) and we got to the airport really on time. Since 6 of us was sitting in the car, the boys wanted to get out as soon as they could, so the one sitting at the door got off the car while I was paying the driver.

- Credit or cash?
- Credit.
- Excuse me, how do I lift up the seat?
- Pull the lever, then fold it, then pull it again, and lift up the seat. It will be $80.
- How was it again? It got stuck.
- I was gonna do that, but I cannot do everything at the same time, and I'm parking on the road, and I wanted to move to the sidewalk - said the car driver arrogantly while he handed over my receipt to sign and struggled with the seat. He was actually really rude compared to what you expect from a limo driver.
- There you go - I hand over the credit card receipt.
- No tip?
- No.
- In America, you usually give 15 to 20% tip you know!
- In Europe you need to earn your tip, and if you show up 15 minutes late you call the customer to inform him, and you don't use a tone what you just did. Thank you, have a nice day!

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