Wednesday, October 13, 2010

UPATED: iPhone is evil

Disclaimer: No, I don't have any iPhone, and yes I never going to have one I think.I made up my mind before I came to learn the following fact, that I never have an iPhone.

IPhone is an evil gadget. It turns people into unsocial zombies. It has a built in device that forces people to use their iPhones if they are idle. The usage can be anything. Checking emails (no you don't have any new emails), checking old text messages anything. But if you sit in a restaurant for example, and some of the people have iPhone, they will start swiping their fingers on its sleek touchscreen immediately they sat down. Meaning they don't participate in any conversation and they isolate themselves completely from other people in the group. That is why I think it is an evil device. For some reason people having an Android or BlackBerry phone don't share this symptom. So it must be something that is unique to iPhone users.

Evil, evil device. 

Update: I found this brilliant illustration that explains very well the nature of this problem ;)

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