Thursday, August 26, 2010


Meetings are funny. I learned there is a huge difference having and attending a meeting. Apparently if you are only attending a meeting you are not supposed to bring up topics nor opening your mouth unless you are not to answer a question asked from you (this is only client side).

Decisions cannot be made without meetings, but meetings make it impossible to make decisions. As said by the client: "The purpose of this meeting is not to make decisions" instead of (obviously what he wanted to say was) That is not the purpose of the meeting to make decisions. Huge difference.

At meetings people talk. This is the way the express how important they are. Even if they say the very same thing rephrased (even more than 10 times buy 10 different people). You don't speak, you are not important. And it is not a problem having a meeting (even though there is time pressure) without business owners or anyone who has any kind of knowledge about the topic to answer even the simplest questions. We'll just put the topic or parking lot, and will have another meeting. Wasting everyone's time and money...

I freaked out the first day after working for like 2 hours... :D


  1. Lol, ez is egy kicsit mas, mint Europaban, innit? :)

  2. En aszondanam, hogy az adott vallalatra ervenyes :P de ki tudja, mindenesetre politikai aspektus ;)

  3. Jaja, nalunk pl ha valaki esetleg (egy tesztelo foleg, aki mar nem dolgozik itt;)) elkezdi szepen kimerten ismetelni az eddig elhangzottakat, akkor mar az elso mondat vegen kozbevag udvariasan a meetinget vezeto business analyst, hogy 'Errm khmm hmmm RIGHT! So..' es folytatodik a megbeszeles :)
    Ennek mindig orultem, mert kurvara irritalo a fontoskodas ilyen szintje. Nalatok gondolom ez 10x-es, foleg ha meg kiabalnak is, mert ugye csak ugy tudnak beszelni :)

  4. Tudnak rendes hangeron is, mert a kollegak ugye nem amerikaiak. De jajaja, volt mar h egymas utan 5-8x elhangzott ugyanaz... Irritalo teny, de en meg uj fiu vagyok, nem fogok kozbevagni, majd 1 honap mulva vizummal a zsebemben ;)
